Thursday, February 28, 2019

What, Exactly, is Multiculturalism?

To the Atlantic magazine:
You invited comments on a recent article.  Here are mine:

Your use of the word Apartheid to describe our political reality is most unfortunate and misleading.  Apartheid was official government policy in South Africa and enforced by that government. Our government has  promoted desegregation for  half a century and promotes the rights of minorities today. 
What is multiculturalism, a word much bandied about these days?  Define what you mean, Atlantic! If you mean multi-lingual, we are headed for Quebec and endless trouble.  World views and values are embedded in languages. Do we really want to import Spanish-speaking Latin American politics?  
Speaking English is a critical part of what it is to be an American. There are two things that unite our currently unhappy nation.  One is the Constitution and the values it promotes.  The other is the English language. Without both, we will be lost.  I speak as a retired American diplomat who majored in cultural anthropology in college and has followed that discipline ever since.  Lewis Richard Luchs,

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